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The lovescope of 2011

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The lovescope of 2011 Empty The lovescope of 2011

Post  Christos Archos Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:46 am

The lovescope of 2011

2011, as all the previous years in the past,gives us the ability to hope and believe that something better will come in our lives. Especially in this difficult and full of existential anxiety times we need more than ever to know what are the influences and the problems the 12signs have to change our lives.

People are afraid of committing to the other or to an idea; we are finally alone physically, emotionally and spiritually. 2011 is the turning point of this situation, things are not going to change rapidly, they will be transformed slowly and we will see gradually the ability to communicate better with ourselves and the others.

2011 is a year of choice, but the choice is always depended on the free will of each human being.


This year is very important to you. First of all you will have new exciting things to do.Most of you will change your partner to find someone that will match with you better. Sometimes an inner need for freedom may lead you to severe break ups with others. Also it is a period when you can put some spice to your relationship. Sometimes in the past it was a little dull but now you have the ability to change that and have extremely good relationships. On the other side, those who were born in the middle of the sign because of Saturn you will have some problems and you may feel that your relationship does not want you so much.


This Isa golden year for you. Many of you will find the proper mate and you will become very happy. Some of you may even find people in the most unpredictable places. Your self-worth will increase as more people will be attracted to you. You have although to be careful because sometimes being very lucky in love may bring problems. This increase of your“love magic” will have as a result many people to approach you. This quantity may trick you because you have to find the ONE from the many. Those that have already a relationship you will have plenty of opportunities to make a “face –lift”.


This year is a little weird for you. From intense situations now you have to adapt to more calm situations but most of all its time to heal your soul. Neptune andiron are coming to help you develop your inner strength. Your romantic life of course will be better and with much less problems but still you have to change some important beliefs in your minds. The most important characteristic of this year is the inner need to become more mature and serious in the way you act in your relationships. Most of you will have some new opportunities but you will keep your already existent partners finally.


This Isa difficult year for you because you will have the need to adapt in extreme situations. Some of you may have a very difficult relationship, something that means that finally you will not be able to deal with it and you will separate.Perhaps many of you need some inner power to decide to take your lives at your hands. This power may lead you to radical decisions but is necessary if you want to get relieved from the pressure of your lives in 2011. Although it is a very disturbing year you will have the ability on the other hand to learn who are the ones that really love you but most of all who are the ones you really love….


It’s a golden year for you after so many years. Finally Neptune makes his last trip on the opposite sign of you (Aquarius) and it will stay some time to Pisces. This means that you will no longer have problems of understanding the real motives and needs of the others. Also sometimes you may not be grounded on your expectations in relationships something that let you feel lonely and abandoned finally. Many of you may have discovered adultery and more. This year has nothing to do with the past. You will feel that you can shine again and you can take your life in your hands. You will have plenty of choices (and good ones) to make a proper relationship and of course you will be able to discover what your real needs are.


This year is not very easy but it is much easier than it was in the past. Many people will stand to your side and help you get over many things that have hurt you. Also there is a very important threat for those that were born in the beginning of your sign. Many of you will believe that you will find the perfect lover. Try to see clearly behind the pink glasses because you may finally get hurt. The rest of your sign will have times of peacefulness and calmness finding solutions in many problems with their relationships.


Many of you have a lot of things to do that may lead you to adopt a frozen and distinct behavior toward the other. You may also have a lot of work and no time to feel the pleasures of life. This behavior will lead you to many problems; So you have to find the balance between your career and your personal life. Those that they born in the first days of your Sun Sign will have the ability to find anew person that will change their life forever, but if you have already relationship you must be more careful because you may end up in different places on this planet at the end of the New Year…


You will find the true love this year. Many years have passed and I don’t remember myself saying that you have had a good time in your relationships. Finally this is your chance to change it all. Most of you will face new experiences and in depth emotions with your partners and as a result you will feel fulfilled and completed. You have although to be patient sometimes because you may try to accelerate things very much when it is needed some patience. This year is also very good if you want to get married or to have children.


This year has its good and bad moments. Those who are sensitive and not narcissistic will find the proper person that will fulfill all their expectations. On the other hand if you see things without maturity or you avoid seeing what is needed from your own part to build a proper relationship, you will have problems. Those who were born at the beginning of their sun sign will have bigger problems and the rest of you will feel easier to express yourselves emotionally but also to feel love without fear or any doubt.


This Isa troublesome year because you will feel extreme emotions. There are years that demand from you your inner change of character and personality. Fate will bring you the proper persons to fulfill your own goals. That means that you will sometimes feel under pressure in your relationships or that are at the razor’s edge. If you keep having a contact with your emotions and you aren’t afraid of them,keeping a high self – worth profile you will not have something to fear. The most dangerous birthdays are those that belong to the first 10 days of the sun sign.


At last after so many years you can smile and see future with many possibilities. It is the time of joy and love. The writer believes that is a golden period for you and you will have the ability to succeed in your emotional goals. You will find love and if you have a relationship on the eve of the New Year you will see that it will be developed a lot and it will flourish without any problems. Do not be afraid of making a relationship and do not be distant from others, this is a year of intense passions and you have to live them.


Of course this is a very important year for you. At last Neptune, your rule planet,will come to visit you for while and Chiron will also enter your sign. This means that it is a time of healing from the wounds of the past. It is not a very passionate year with many choices except perhaps at the end of the year. The rest of 2011 is a year of solitude and inner balance you have to succeed. Those that have already a relationship will see a greater contact to be developed between them and they will have also a better understanding.

Christos Archos
Christos Archos

Posts : 318
Join date : 2011-11-06
Age : 42
Location : Athens - London - Chicago  -

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